Monday, May 31, 2010

The CTV Letter - Final Stages Commencing

Greetings, all.

The letter is written. All that is left is editing and the ceremonial sending, which shall happen later on the in the week. Expect an update post-haste.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fo' Realz

The letter is coming.

We say this every time there's a big gap between post and letter, and we'd love to tell you it's in order to increase suspense or some BS, but it's because we're busy. Turns out the business of being in the writing business actually takes alot more time that we thought. We naturally assumed our foray into the world of writing would lead to us sitting on sunlight patios deep in thought while we swirled our '02 Merlot, but instead it's led to a frantic clattering of keys and a keyboard with a mysterious greasy sheen and a not so mysterious pile of potato chip crumbs.

The point is, we're still here, still Canadian, and still mad about the Olympics. The letter is coming soon. Just bear with us.

Remember, patience is a truly Canadian virtue, along with high whiskey intake.